Monolith, 2021

Real-time simulation, projection; hydraulic pedestal, computer, aluminum, nickel plated steel, electric cords; projector

Installation video, Imperceptible: machine, animal, plant, stone, skull, Roski Mateo Gallery, Los Angeles, California, July 2 – 10, 2021.

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Imperceptible: machine, animal, plant, stone, skull, Roski Mateo Gallery, Los Angeles, California

2 – 10 July 2021

Imperceptible: machine, animal, plant, stone, skull imagines becoming not as a transitory state, but as a condition. Working in sculpture and video, interdisciplinary artist Hings Lim dilates objects and technologies in order to explore interrelational subjectivities beyond the dialectics of self and other, human and nonhuman, and culture and nature. In this body of work, Lim rethinks apparatuses, testing the bounds of materiality and performativity as a means of meditating upon the unfathomable past and the elusive future. Drawing upon ritual and phantasmagoria, Lim interrogates the spaces between in order to consider becoming not as a linear progression but as multiplication. A profusion of ancient and imagined objects—tools, relics, spatial maps—echo to construct the artist’s version of a rhizome, but ultimately, rather than attempting to concretize the multiplication of spatiality and temporality that defines this body of work, Lim offers the ghostly as a metaphor for the concerns at the core of his practice: imperceptible unless sought. 

Curated by Carlo Tuason and Kate Rouhandeh.
